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- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
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- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
All brothers and sisters - A letter from Pope Francis
The final week of Term 4 saw us getting ready for Easter. The whole school came together for the Easter Bonnet Parade and each class had 3 winners. In DT we made Easter nest cakes concentrating on weighing out ingredients accurately to make sure we followed the recipe correctly.
Towards the end of the week we held our own Easter egg hunt in class because it started snowing outside!
Maths has been all about arrays! We have been learning to read real life arrays such as chocolate bars and egg boxes then we wrote calculations to match. We made Mother's Day cards this week but... shhhh, it's a secret until Sunday! In RE we learned about the Offertory and Consecration at Mass and had our own 'Last Supper' as well as role playing with bread and squash. For Maths on Friday afternoon we were learning how to tell the time to o'clock and half past. We played a game in pairs to see who could show the time the quickest. In English all week we have been learning to retell The Tale of Peter Rabbit and include verbs and adverbs in our writing. Please watch the videos below to hear some of our tremendous retells.
What a blast we have had this week celebrating all things science by taking part in British Science Week. We started the week by making rocket mice using some of the bottles we had been collecting from home. We tested them in our classroom and outside to see which mouse could travel the furthest.
We have had fun with plants and checked on our winter pansies and the bulbs we planted and measured how well they are growing.
We also made and investigated ramps then raced cars to see how their speed was affected. We have thoroughly enjoyed this week.
This week has been an extremely busy week. We have had visitors who performed 'The Secret Garden' which was such a joy to watch. On Wednesday we were very lucky to have a Kent Cricket player come and teach us some cricket skills and we learned how to bowl, bat and run!
In Science we have been learning about hygiene and how we can keep ourselves healthy through cleanliness, and in our DT lessons we made healthy fruit kebabs - delicious!
We celebrated World Book Day today by dressing up as our favourite book characters and brought our favourite books to school. Below are some photos of our fabulous costumes.
Year 6 joined us as we celebrated Ash Wednesday Mass in our parish church. Father Frank put ashes on our foreheads to remind us that we all came from dust and we shall all return to dust. Some of us stood at the lectern and read bidding prayers.
In the afternoon we came together as a whole school to pray for peace in Ukraine like Pope Francis has asked us all to do.
We have had a busy start to Term 4. In English we are reading the story, 'Stanley's Stick.' We went outside in search of our own sticks to help us with our writing. In PE this term we are looking at the creative cog. We started by practising our ball control skills and had to roll the ball up and down our body without dropping it!
On Friday in Maths we measured length. We had the challenge of finding objects in class that are shorter than 10cm, longer than 10cm, and exactly 10cm.
Islam was our other religion this term and we focused on Eid-Ul-Fitr. Some Year 6 pupils came to class so we could interview them - we had lots of wondering questions!