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St Edward's Catholic Primary School

Year 6

Term 2- Where did the Vikings call home?

In term 2, Year 6 will be learning about the Vikings and why they had a reputation for being Fierce raiders. We will learn about when and how they invaded Britain as well as study the weapons that they used to win their battles with the Anglo Saxons. We will consider changes to society brought about by the Danelaw and consider the influences held by the King as a united England was created, set by boundaries and kingdoms.

Term 4: Ancient Greece

This term, Year 6 will be learning about the Ancient Greeks: the rise and fall of the empire created by Alexander the Great; the development of trade that followed between Greece and its neighbouring countries; the impact upon modern day lives from the origins of many influences such as democracy and the Olympics.

Term 6- How was Kent affected during World War II?


In term 6, we will be asking questions, making judgements and reaching informed conclusions about what caused World War II. We will consider the impact of the war upon imports of food and other goods as well as recognise the need to evacuate from key cities across the country. Developing our skills to compare and critically evaluate the usefulness and reliability of sources, we will study the actions of the allies and axis that led to the success of Britain winning its war against Nazi Germany. Linking to modern-day scenarios, we will look at the use of propaganda and its use to influence and sustain unity and belief during wartime. We will also study how the local area- and community- was directly affected and learn specific history linked to this historical period.

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Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edward's Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
