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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
Welcome back to a new term. We hope you had a restful and enjoyable break. The children have come back to school eager to learn and have made a great start to the new term which is an extremely busy term especially in the run up to Christmas.
In English, the children have started their poetry unit by looking at expanded noun phrases and written some amazing acrostic poem based around Firework Night.
In maths, we have worked hard in learning how to add 10 and multiples of tens to 2 digit numbers, using different techniques and strategies to help us.
Our new science topic all about materials took outside around the school grounds so that we could find as many different materials as we could. We surprised ourselves at how many different materials that we were able to find and identify.
We were very excited to begin to learn about our new history topic, 'The Great Fire of London'. We thought about what history is, what we know about London then found out about where and why the Great Fire of London started. We can't wait to find out more about this topic.
The children now have spellings to learn each week which will be sent home each Monday and the children will be tested on a Friday. Please try and encourage your child to practise their spellings at home. The children also have their TTRS login so they can work on their times tables and well as continuing to read at home.
We have also started to learn our Nativity play so I'm sure the children will be singing the songs at home and will soon have their words to learn.
Last Friday, the children were sent home with a copy of their homework for the term. Below is a copy of the homework and we are looking forward to receiving the work that the children are able to complete.
We have had an extremely busy week with lots of great learning and excellent work being produced.
In maths, we have been further developing our addition and subtractions skills by adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers to and from another 2 digit number. The children have used Base Ten to help them with their calculations.
In English we have started out work on a recount by looking at the story of The Three Little Pigs and looked at verb tenses and finished our English work by writing an acrostic poem about Remembrance Day.
In science we looked at the properties and characteristics of materials and worked in small groups to sort different materials depending on their features.
In PE we started our unit on dance by practising our balance moves individually and with a partner which we really enjoyed.
We have started our unit of coding in computing, where we have been practising writing a simple set of instructions on the computer to make a series of movements on an animation. The children can practise their coding on Purple Mash.
We are really enjoying finding out about The Great Fire of London and this week we compared how London looks today and how it would've looked over 350 years during the Great Fire of London.
This week in English, the children have been busy changing the story of The Three Little Pigs and writing their
own version with different characters. We have used our knowledge of recounts in order to help us in our writing.
We are looking forward to finishing our stories and reading them to the class. In maths we have finished our unit on addition and subtraction by comparing number sentences and trying to make number sentences equal.
We had an exciting science lesson where we predicted which materials would be the best for making The Three Little Pigs houses. We then tried our best to make each of the houses before testing which material would hold up the best.
In RE we spent time thinking about the Trinity and what it means. We thought about how we can be three in one and locked for a symbol of three things before designing and making our own trinity.
In history we found out more about The Great Fire of London and in particular the events that took place and the various reasons the fire spread so quickly. We had fun re-enacting trying to put the fire out and hunting for facts around the classroom.
We ended the week with an exciting day in our pyjamas in order to help the Children in Need cause.
The children have had an extremely busy week completing tests on their Maths and English skills to help assess what they have learnt over the term.
In English, they have been completing their hot task, creating their own story of The three little pigs. In maths, we have been concentrating on the names and properties of both 2D and 3D shapes.
In Science we have continued with our topic of materials and looked at the different types of pollution and how we can help look after our environment.
In art, the children have created a rotating disc and lever mechanism based on our topic of The Great Fire of London and we have also started to make our enterprise ideas in preparation to sell at the school fayre next Friday on the 1st of December.
In RE, we started to think about the story of Christmas and in particular how God chose Mary and Joseph.
We ended the week with a brilliant Great Fire of London workshop.
We have had an extremely busy week with lots of learning happening across the curriculum as well as Nativity practices and Christmas Fayre Enterprise activities ready to sell at the Christmas Fayre.
In English, the children have finished writing amazing stories based on The Three Little Pigs and have now started a recount based on The Great Fire of London.
In maths we have continued to work on our knowledge of shape by looking at the properties of 2D shapes, sorting them in various ways and investigating the symmetry of 2D shapes.
In science we had an interesting lesson investigating how the shapes of materials can be changed through stretching, squashing, twisting and bending and how everyday materials can be changed to make the objects that we use around us. We then had fun manipulating salt dough and making various Christmas decorations for the Christmas enterprise event.
In RE we looked at the gift of Jesus that we celebrate at Christmas time. We thought about what Jesus means to us and what gifts we would've given Jesus just as the shepherds and 3 Wise Men did.
As we near the end of term, the children have been really busy working hard in learning their part in The Nativity Play. They are really excited to perform it to everyone on Tuesday.
In English, we have completed our recount on Vlad and The Great Fire of London, producing excellent pieces of writing showing their knowledge of the Great Fire of London.
In Maths, we have ended or unit on shape by looking at the properties of 3D shapes and sorting them using our knowledge of faces, edges and vertices.
In RE, we looked at the gift of Jesus during the Christmas period and in particular how God sent the 3 Wise Men and the Shepherds to visit the baby Jesus. We thought about why and how they were chosen by God and how we can spread the Good News. We enjoyed writing about our part in the school Nativity and the importance of our role.
In Science, we enjoyed looking at the properties and uses of glass. We investigated what other materials we could use instead of glass by looking if materials were transparent, translucent or opaque and which materials would be best to use as a window.
We had a fun morning on Thursday watching the pantomime pf Cinderella which we all enjoyed.
After an extremely busy week and term, we finally made it to the end of term. This week the children have made themselves and us really proud with their wonderful Nativity Play on Tuesday. Six weeks of learning words, songs and actions finally all came together when the children performed to the school and parents.
We finished off our art and history unit by painting a picture of the Great Fire of London and added a moving fire mechanism to it.
We had a lovely Mass in school on Wednesday and finished off the week with Christmas jumper day, Christmas dinner and fun and games in the classroom. We even had a visit form Father Christmas!
We hope you have a lovely Christmas and New Year and we will see you in the New Year.
Take a look at our wonderful learning and events form this term!