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St Edward's Catholic Primary School

Term 5

Week 6 - To end the term off, we completed our display linked to CAFOD - common good - and made it all about plastic pollution including our fantastic newspaper articles and letters. We started our topic of converting time and finished our topic in Geography with our school garden and birds eye view. In our this term we have been learning drawing skills and we made some BRILLIANT art work using our new drawing techniques.

Week 5 - This week, year 3 finished their fractions of amounts unit. In English, we have completed our letters to our local MP about the amount of plastic pollution. We also looked at different magnets to investigate which type of magnet had the biggest magnetic field!

Week 4 - This week, year 3 have been busy completing our newspaper articles and started to prepare to write formal letters to someone important in order to help the environment. In Maths, we have been subtracting numbers using FROG rules to count up. In Science, we learnt about magnetic fields and investigated whether all metals are magnetic or not. In Art, we started to use our skills of drawing to draw a 3D object in the class. In RE, we learnt about The Ascension and created our own image of Jesus going to Heaven.

Week 3- This week in St Lukes class, we have began writing our newspaper articles in English about plastic pollution at our local fleet. In Science, we were learning about friction and we carried out an investigation to see which material has the most friction. Our finding were that bubble wrap was the most. In Art, we looked at shading and different ways to shade. We have also been helping look after the garden with Mrs Neeves.

Week 2- This week, we started to learn about newspaper reports in order to start next week. In Maths, we was looking at money and place value. In geography we went outside into the garden and helped Mrs Neeves tidy up and begin to look at the bird eyes view of the school. In RE, we discussed the story of the Road to Emmaus.

Week 1 - In maths, we have been starting to look at place value and money. We have been looking and comparing amounts by using place value grids and Miss Morris even let us write on the tables! In English, we have started to look at our book for the term 'A planet full of plastic' by Neal Layton. We kicked off our topic with going to the fleet and searching for plastic. In Science, we will be looking at forces and magnets and was looking at pulling and pushing.

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