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- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 6 17th September 2024
- Y3 & Y4 Road Safety workshop 18th September 2024
We have worked really hard throughout term 2 to learn 15 songs, including traditional carols and modern songs, for our Christmas Carol Concert.
Unfortunately, we couldn't have parents in to watch us perform but we were videoed: this video is now available on the "videos" page for you to watch us sing.
This video has now been taken down: thank you to all our grown ups for watching us.
Mrs. Rowse and Mrs. Palmer would like to add how proud they are of year 6: you've worked so hard to learn the words, keep time and, for a lot of the songs, learn the tune! A big, fantastic WELL DONE!
We would also like to say a huge well done for the singing of some of our carols in church for our Last Day Mass - well done year 6!
We had great fun wearing our Christmas Jumpers this week! Look how cute our own Mrs. Palmer looks in a matching jumper with Bryn!
This week, we've had a really fun Christmas craft morning. Each of us had the opportunity to make: a tree decoration, a Christmas card, a new year calendar, a Rudolph cupcake and a reindeer hot chocolate cone! We had great fun completing these Christmassy activities as we prepared to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
In DT, we've been investigating gears and how they transfer movement. This week, we had to put that learning into practise to build a fairground ride that moved.
We found this really difficult but with some problem-solving, perseverance and team work, we made some really exciting rides that move without needing to be touched! (They have a handle to turn the driver gear which in turn, turns a follower gear that moves the ride.)
We have had great fun over the last two weeks: we've been trying to grow mould so that we can make recommendations to a company in a newspaper article that we saw. We tried putting bread in a cupboard, on a window sill, in water, in the fridge and under a light to see which were the best conditions.
Once we had finished our two weeks recording, we found that the dark cupboard was best, which surprised us. We then realised that our classroom was cold and the bread was kept by the open window; therefore, we redesigned our experiment so that we tried a warmer place to grow the mould.
We are now growing the mould in Mrs. Flain's office... Watch this space to see our new results!
In DT this week, we had a really fun investigation of how gears make fairground rides move. Following our investigation, we designed our own moving fairground ride that we are excited to make next week.
We've also been getting ready for Advent: we changed our prayer corner to purple (for reflection) and put out our Nativity scenes.
This week, Mrs. Rowse set us some home learning around Viking armour, especially helmets. Look at the amazing work we completed at home!
We've also been working hard to create a display to make our school look beautiful. The topic was History but we decided to link it to our science, COP26 word: deforestation. We looked at, and learnt about, how deforestation was started thousands of years ago and why it is devastating; we then looked at our history topic of Vikings and noticed how much they used wood throughout their daily lives.
This week in RE, we had to read and present a piece of scripture about Justice, understanding that God is telling us it is our duty to help those less fortunate than ourselves. We then learnt about someone who did this: Father Pedro Opeka.
This week, Mrs. Rowse set us a key question to investigate on our own: what happens if we use different sizes or amounts of gears? We discovered how the movement speed changes and how each gear moves in the opposite direction to its neighbour.
It was Children In Need this week - so we wore our pyjamas to school to raise money. It was very exciting.
We worked in groups in RE to decide how Oscar Romero had put God's teaching about Justice into practise.
We worked together to research what makes a plant a plant this week. Did you know, a plant can make its own food?
In History, we were Anglo-Saxons this week. We had to discover how those pesky Vikings kept turning up in unexpected places... We did this by making secret (under the table) drawings of their longships. We then managed to capture and question Sven the Viking!
In DT, we've been learning about gears: what they are, what they look like and what they do (transferring movement from one place to another).
This week, we learnt about remembrance. We looked at what remembrance means and what we are remembering and why before creating a piece of art or a poem about it.
This week in science, we have been learning about classification. We started by sorting sweets into groups before moving on to birds and butterflies.
In history, we started to place our topic on a time line in comparison to other topics we've studied in Key Stage 2. We found this very tricky had had to think carefully about what our timeline showed us!
We had great fun in PE today: we learnt a new game called seated volleyball. We had to play with a balloon as our ball which we found very difficult!
What an exciting return to school science was this week! We looked at what classification means and when it was discovered by a man named Carl Linnaeus. We started this learning by sorting animals into groups ourselves; we found that we all grouped them differently which could pose a problem!