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Welcome back to Term 4. We hope you had a lovely and restful break and are looking forward to some warmer weather and brighter days.
Below is the timetable for Term 4 as it has changed slightly as PE is now on a Tuesday due to cricket.
Below you will also find the topic newsletter and homework for this term.
The children have jumped straight back into their learning this term.
We have continued to work on our multiplication and division by looking more closely at the 10 and 5 times table and the link between multiplication and division.
In English the children have enjoyed some short burst pieces of writing in the first week back around the theme of love in response to our new emotional check in worry monsters, which the children are really enjoying.
The children went on their very own expedition around the classroom in search of some famous explorers as we introduced our new history topic, significant explorers. The children are excited to discover more about famous explorers throughout the term.
The children had their first cricket lesson on the first day back to school, where they learnt and practised various catching skills.
In RE we looked at the religion of Islam and found out how Muslims celebrate the festival of Eid after the important time of Ramadam. The children enjoyed exploring the various important artefacts from the Islamic religion.
The children enjoyed a fun puppet show from the Family Trust which showed us the important message of Easter and how and why Jesus died on the cross.
We have continued to build on our cricket skills in PE by learning the art of catching and batting which the children really enjoyed.
In DT, the children linked in with their science learning and thought about healthy eating and then made a delicious fruit salad and practised our skills of cutting and slicing various fruits.
In music we have continued our space theme by listening and responding to 2 different types of music by the same composer and thought and discussed the timbre, dynamics and tempo of the music and used the sounds we could make with our voices to express how the music made us feel.
In a busy week, the children visited Mass in Church. The children have been learning about the different parts of the Church and the different parts of The Mass so they could see and hear what they have been learning. We then continued to learn about the different parts of The Mass, including the reading, The Offertory, The Consecration and the Our Father.
The children have really enjoyed our history topic of Extreme Explorers where they have found out all about Christopher Columbus, Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake.
The children have worked extremely hard in their English lessons to produce a non chronological report on foxes as well as a persuasive letter on why they should be allowed a pet.
In maths the children have finished the term by learning and experiencing different types of measure which have included lots of practical work on length, mass, capacity, volume and temperature.
This term has seen some very exciting days which have included World Book Day, a cooking workshop where the children made fruit kebabs and balance bike ability where the children showed great perseverance and determination as well as having great fun.
We also enjoyed a great outdoor cooking workshop where we were able to make Russian Blinis on an open fire and chopped and cooked all the toppings and then had the exciting part of sampling our hard work.