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- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
Our learning displays from Term 5.
To celebrate the end of another successful term's learning, we invited our grown ups in to see all of our wonderful learning.
This week, we had our Crowning of Mary Collective Worship as a school. Here is our contribution and the celebration of Mary on our school altar.
All term, we've been writing from a story called The Swing. Watch our video of us performing it.
In Science, we investigated magnetism: specifically, are all metals magnetic? We learnt that not all metals are magnetic, only 3 are, which really surprised us!
In RE, we were looking at the Ascension of our Lord. We thought about the Apostle's emotions and then debated why it was a happy or sad occasion.
This week in Maths, we've been learning about place value. To help us understand, we used arrow cards to help us.
This week, we learnt about the month of May being the Month of Mary. We made flower garlands and crowned her as a class, in preparation for our whole-school crowning of Mary later in the term.
In Science, we've been learning about magnets. This week, we investigated what materials were attracted to a magnet and whether magnetism worked through another material.
This week, in Computing, we continued our learning on Spreadsheets. We were learning how to write formula to make the computer work out a calculation on its own: we used a simple plus symbol as well as a more complicated sum formula.
This week we had a special event day to celebrate the King's Coronation on the 6th May. We worked as a team to create a window decoration in preparation; later, we sung a coronation song to our grown ups before having a street party together as a whole school. We had so much fun!
This week, we learnt about the Catholic Social Teaching principles for caring for our world and each other. We thought about which was most important and why we thought that might be. We decided that this was rather difficult - as they are all really important!
In Science this week, we learnt about magnets. We learnt that the ends are called poles and they attract or repel each other. We then went on a magnetism hunt - we were surprised to find metal that did not attract to the magnet!
In RE, we continued to look at the Eastertide stories, learning about two disciples' journey to Emmaus. We freeze-framed the journey, wondering what the people were thinking and why at each stage.
This week, in Science, we looked at what a force is. We completed a carousel of activities that use forces and thought about what was the same and what was different about them. We then learnt that a force is a push or a pull.
In Geography, we are comparing a region in Europe and North America to ourselves in the UK. We started by deciding what the difference between human and physical features of Italy, the USA and Sheppey, before researching some human features and producing a booklet on them.
This week we began our unit on Easter and Pentecost. To start, we looked at the Easter Vigil Mass, acting out the lighting of the Paschal candle and how this special light lit the congregation's candles for the Mass. We then looked at the symbolism on the Paschal Candle.
We had PE in school this week, before resuming our swimming lessons next week. We started our "physical" focus by playing games about moving in different ways and weaving in and out of cones. We also played "Follow the Leader" where we had to make sure the movement between each pair of cones was different.
In Computing, we reminded ourselves of what cells are in spreadsheets. We has colours to add to different cells to see what picture we made.