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St Edward's Catholic Primary School

St Mary's Year 6 Class

St. Mary's Year 6 Class will be taught by Mrs. Rowse, Mrs. Issitt and Mrs. Palmer this year, 2021-22.

This week, we began studying the Kingdom of God in RE. We discovered that it is inside everyone and by showing the values of the kingdom, we can help it to grow. We then decided to rank the values in order, thinking about why we had chosen them in that order.

For art this week, we began sketching our landscapes ready to add out paint to them. We decided to sit in different positions so that we had a different perspective of the same trees.

In science this week, we learnt about the main parts of the circulatory system. We then had to work out where each part went on a diagram and label them.

When we thought of trees, we thought of green and brown. In Art, we went outside and noticed that actually, there are lots of different colours in the trees! We also noticed how the greens were not the same. We used only red, blue and yellow paint to create as many shades of green as we could so we can begin to paint landscapes more accurately.

We've had a very busy week this week, working on our knowledge of place value and the value of digits in 7-digit numbers.

Year 6 had great fun coming back to school, seeing each other again, catching up on our summer holiday stories and remembering our school routines.

We also worked on our displays: St. Mary in the hall and Our New Year's Resolutions in class

Please see below for what last year's St. Mary's Class achieved in God's love.

For the remainder of the year, Year 6 will be taught by Mr. Tickner and Miss. Lewis, with Mrs. Ware and Miss. Finnigan supporting.

Year 6 Leavers Photos (w/t Hoodies)

Good morning Year 6,


You will see below, the link to the recorded version on the 'Lion King'


You will also find the video on the School Video tab. (Click on the Children tab, followed by clicking on School Videos')


Grab some popcorn and enjoy the performance.

Year 6 Health and Safety Course - All of the children learnt some vital life skills that they'll be able to use (if needed!) in the future.

Treasure Island Performance - On Friday, the whole school had a fantastic opportunity of watching a show in the hall. They all loved it!

Home Learning tasks for Year 6 will be sent by our remote learning platform, Seesaw. Please e-mail us

if you do not have your log-in so we can help you to set up the app. Thank you.

Number Day 2021 - Year 6 played a variety of games in small groups which involved a large amount of numbers. The games that we played were; a problem solving game (Buddies Key Challenge), a maths card game, bingo, number hunt and a fun maths lesson. We all had so much fun!

Wow! What an end to term 4! Year 6 had a great time at the Easter Bonnet Parade, where we strutted our stuff, showing off the bonnets we made at home.


Later in the day, we had a fun Easter Egg Hunt around the school field.

Today, we have been looking at Jesus' crucifixion. We looked at the different scripture passages in Matthew (27: 32 - 44), Mark (15: 21 - 32), Luke (23: 26 - 43) and John (19: 16 - 27) then created our own interpretations, before comparing our interpretations to the artists Peter Clare, McCrimmons and Carel Weight.
Today, 23rd March 2021, was one year since we were put into our first lockdown for COVID-19. To mark the occasion, we used the daffodil as a symbol of remembrance: making paper daffodils, still-life drawing of daffodils, creating daffodils using foam pieces or using newspaper to colour a daffodil collage.
In Science, we had a jigsaw to put together to find out what we were learning about - it was the heart!
We then went outside to learn how the blood flowed through the heart, before drawing the heart on the floor and practising "being" the blood ourselves.

In RE, we presented our findings about the different ways that the Gospels tell us about Jesus' final journey into Jerusalem.

Mrs. Rowse challenged us to remember last week's learning by using a compass to follow directions around the playground.

Wow! What an amazing piece of Science Home Learning brought in by Wiktoria - she has drawn her body and added the circulatory system: our current science topic. Well done!

Wow! What an exciting and busy week year 6 have had since the return to school this week, following the lockdown.


With it being Science Week, year 6 have been working on an Easyjet-inspired "Flightsize" unit - looking at what affects an aeroplane flying, how to create an inflight menu and meal, how the pilot knows where to go and how the clouds affect the journey.


Year 6 also planned and carried out an exciting experiment using vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and washing up liquid.

Year 6 Science Week vinegar and bicarbonate of soda investigation photos

Take a look at our Crazy Challenge Tuesday - the last one before we return to school.

T4 W1: year 6's Crazy Challenge was to copy the Cha-Cha Slide Plank Challenge - here is how we got on!

Still image for this video

T4 W1: after having a restful and relaxing half term, year 6 have been busy with their remote learning again. Take a look at our wonderful work.

For our Crazy Challenges this week, we got out in the snow, building snowmen and making footprint pictures in the snow.

Year 6 Crazy Challenge: find as many things beginning with "S" as you could then turn them into a spaceship!

LeeLees Lab of Chemicals Episode 4 - Lava Lamp

Making our very own lava lamp with 4 simple ingredients.

This is our very own year 6 Lee's latest video - the science and video editing are all him! Well done.

LeeLees Lab of Chemicals - The Invisible Extinguisher!

Putting out a flame in a very different way!
Our very own Lee (year 6) and Oscar (year 3) show off their science and computing editing skills.

Year 6 Crazy Sock Challenges. Challenge 1: how many pairs or socks could you wear - but only one properly? Challenge 2: make something with your socks!

T3 W4: year 6 have continued their wonderful work. Take a look below to see the amazing learning that happens at home.

LeeLee Lab of Chemicals Episode 2 : Elephant Toothpaste

Our very own LeeLee (year 6) and Ozzy (year 3) make Elephant toothpaste. Lee has also edited the whole video - well done!

Year 6 RHE Challenge: decorate an egg with your gifts and talents.

T3 W3: look at the wonderful work year 6 are producing for their remote learning this week: we have been investigating shapes and changing parts of a story, ready to re-write our own version.

Leelee lab of chemicals ep1

This is a video, created and edited, by one our very own year 6 children!

Well done - fantastic reading for Buster's Book Club!

Still image for this video

Look at the wonderful work Year 6 have produced on Seesaw during week 1 of our lockdown.

Please visit the videos page to look at Year 6's Makaton signing to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - the videos will be available to view until 1st January 2021.

Year 6 have been acting like Beowulf today, planning a letter to ask for the job of monster slayer at Heorot.

In term 2, year 6 have been learning about the poppy and why it is a recognised symbol of remembrance.

Science! In preparation for next term, Year 6 were given electrical equipment to show what they know and explore what they would like to find out in next term's science lessons.

Year 6 have had a great time planning their non-chronological reports for English in a group.

Year 6 have been learning about Jesus' compassion by reading and presenting about his miracles.

In RHE, year 6 have been looking at what pressure is. We then acted out some scenarios to discuss the type of pressure being put on people.

Year 6 wrote, and performed, playscripts about why we get day and night, using our information from the sun appearing to move across the sky.

Year 6 had great fun watching a shadow move across the playground. We used this to decide whether the sun or Earth moved (we learnt it was the Earth rotating on its axis!)

In Science, year 6 have been learning about the phases of the moon. We managed to recreate what see from Earth using torches as the sun and polystyrene balls as the moon.

In Geography, year 6 used broken-up cups to explain how the tectonic plate boundaries work.

Year 6 enjoyed reading and digesting our parable this week, before completing our Lectio Divina.

Year 6 enjoyed acting out the parts of Gollum and Bilbo from The Hobbit, before learning to punctuate the conversations correctly when writing.

Year 6 used the playground as our paper today: we learnt about latitude and longitude coordinates by drawing the equator and prime meridian and calculating how far east or west and north or south we had put our cross.

In RE, Year 6 acted out the parables of The Lost Coin, The Lost Sheep and The Prodigal Son to help us to understand them and discover their deeper meaning that Jesus wanted us to learn.

This week, Year 6 have been investigating the relative sizes of the planets and their distances from the sun in our solar system. We made the planets then went onto the playground to measure the distances at the same scale rate. We started near the building and ended up on the far side of the field - over 90m away!

Year 6 have been planning a diary entry as Tristan (our book is called The Viewer) so we went outside to act like Tristan, finding treasures in the city dump.

Year 6 had a great time today, learning how to code an algorithm to take a friend from one side of the playground to the other, before beginning to learn how to code on Purple Mash - our exciting, new Computing Programme.

Science: we had a great time proving Aristotle's theories about the Earth being curved.

Theory 1: we proved that a boat disappeared from the hull (bottom) - but if Earth was flat, it would have just become a dot on the horizon.


Theory 2: we proved that we saw different stars if we stood on different parts of Earth - but if Earth was flat, we would see the same stars no matter where we stood.


Theory 3: we proved that if Earth moved across the moon in an eclipse, the shadow we saw would we curved - not flat.

Please look below to see what last year's Year 6 achieved in God's love...


It was fabulous to see everyone at our goodbye session on the field. Thank you to so many of you for coming!

Year 6 worked really hard on art projects for Highsted School. Unfortunately, the exhibition was cancelled, but take a look at our hard work.

Mrs. King's bubble tried to make slime today... It was not the success that the children hoped for!

In today's art challenge, year 6 had to use tissue paper to mirror half of an animal of their choice.

Year 6 have worked on a tough art challenge this week... Drawing upside-down! The rules were simple: the paper was sellotaped to the desk; the children had to create a master-piece of their choice but they had to draw upside down, so the drawing was the correct way round for an adult stood the other side of the desk. It was a much trickier challenge than the children envisaged! But, they created some wonderful art.

Year 6 have had fun experimenting in Science this week. We have been investigating what the best material is to stop ice from melting.