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St Edward's Catholic Primary School

Term 1

End Ball Competition Table and Result

PE - End Ball - In PE today, our Year 5 children enjoyed their last game of 'Through the Marker and End Ball'. The children practised their movement and catching skills before taking part in a class competition.

RE - MARTIN DE PORRES - Last week, in RE, Year 5 picked a part from Martin's story and acted this section out in a small group. They thoroughly enjoyed this and wanted to spend a lot longer on this activity!.

CONGRATULATIONS - A congratulations to Hana and Maddie for becoming our first two READING AMBASSADORS that will take complete control of interviewing students about their reading books. You'll find their videos in the videocast section (see link below):

SCIENCE - GRAVITY - In Science today, the children were measuring the distance the paint splatted after hitting the floor from different heights. As you can see from the pictures, they absolutely LOVED it!

RE - GOD'S GREAT HELPERS - This week in RE, the children in Year 5 discussed what it was like to be one of God's Great Helpers and the similarities between two inspirational helpers, St. Martin de Porres and St. Vincent de Paul.

THORPE PARK TRIP (STEAM - SCIENCE) - Today, the children had an amazing opportunity to attend Thorpe Park Theme Park in Surrey for a STEAM event that focused around different sciences. The children enjoyed investigating sound, calculating the speed of cars and most of all, thrill-seeking on lots of AMAZING rides. A lot of children also faced their fear of heights and conquered it.

SCIENCE - The children in Year 5 were investigating the question 'How strong is our hair?' They were creating a plan that would solve this question using their problem solving skills

A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM - WORKSHOP - This afternoon, Year 5 took part in a drama workshop that dived into individual parts of the play by William Shakespeare. All of the performances showed some real class and some great accents used. Well done Year 5!

PE - THROW TENNIS - This week in PE, the year 5 children completed their first lesson of RealPE. They focused their attention on a new game called 'Throw Tennis'. They practiced throwing and catching before moving into a game situation.

ART - PAINTING - This week, the children in Year 5 used a painting from the artist 'Sarah Carrington' to show how mixing colours effects the emotion of the pictures.

ART - PAINTING - Last week, the children were using different textures to experiment with paint.

SCIENCE - FORCES - In Science, last week, the children were measuring the weight of different objects in newtons. They were asked a question for the investigation - Does everything that is weighed, have a weight?

First Week in Year 5


It has been a fantastic first week back with so much being learnt by the class, already. Not only have the children been learning but the class team have been able to find out a lot of fun facts about each individual inside the class. Personally, I can't wait to work through the academic year and push the children to the highest possible place that they could possibly reach in whatever subject they want to thrive in.


Below, you'll find a list of topics that the children will be learning in Term 1 across the national curriculum.


English - A Midsummer Night's Dream/Kensuke's Kingdom

Science - Forces

Geography - Geographical and Locational Knowledge

RE - The Creation

Art - Painting Skills

French - Do You Have a Pet?

Computing - Coding


Keep an eye on the Year 5 class pages, through the academic year, for up-to-date pictures and work from a range of different subjects.


Thank you,

Mr Tickner, Mrs Ware & Mrs Whittaker

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Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edward's Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
