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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
Welcome to Year 1
Fratelli Tutti
As part of the whole school, Year 1 have been thinking about our dreams and aspirations, linked to Fratelli Tutti. This is a letter from Pope Francis, inspiring the world to do better. As a school, we are aiming to treat each other as brothers and sisters, creating a loving and welcoming environment for everyone. Please find more here:
Week 6
And just like that, Term 4 is over and we are already two thirds of the way through the school year! We have had a great week this week, doing Easter bonnet parades, egg hunts, and a visit to Church. We also finished writing the Monkey Puzzle story in English, and learned all about 5p and 10p coins in Maths. The Year 1 team would like to wish everybody a happy Easter, and hope you have a lovely break!
Week 5
This week, we have been learning actions to the story, Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson in English. In Maths, we have been learning about money, and using 1p, 2p, 5p, and 10p coins to make a given price. Some children also went on a number hunt in the outdoor area! In RE, we have been learning about the Easter story, and Jesus' crucifixion. In History, we made rockets and then figured out how we could propel them, thinking about how Mary Sherman Morgan made her rocket propellant. We have continued our work on different sounds and words in Phonics, and our work on the human body in Science. In ICT, we have started to look at coding and all of the exciting things that it can do for us!
Week 4
What a busy week! This week has been Science Week, and so we have been doing lots of fun science activities, such as making rocket mice, testing the speed of toy cars, and looking for science all around the school grounds. We even made seed bombs for the Year 1 outside area - we can't wait to see them sprout! As well as this, we have been writing the Smartest Giant in Town story, and looking at numbers to 100. In RE, we reflected on the story of The Good Samaritan, and what it means to us.
Week 3
This week we have been working on partitioning into tens and ones in Maths, which was really tricky at first but we got it in the end! We have been making lots of progress in our phonics and English, where we have been learning about 'The Smartest Giant in Town'. In RE, we have been learning about when Jesus first taught his Disciples to pray, and we have really thought about what prayer means to us. In other subjects, we have been learning about Hedy Lamarr, the great actress and inventor, key words such as pitch and tempo, and the different types of teeth - what a busy week!
Week 2
Wow! What a week! On Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day 2022, and had so much fun. Everybody's character costumes looked amazing, so a big thank you to the adults at home for that! This week, we have written the story of Dr Dog In English, and have been looking at halves and doubles in Maths. In RE, we have started our new topic of 'Following Jesus', and have begun to look at the first of Jesus' Disciples. On Tuesday, we made our very own fruit kebabs with Mrs Neeves - yummy!
Week 1
It's the first week back and we are having so much fun! We have been learning about the story, Dr Dog in English, and money in Maths. On Tuesday, we looked out how we can stay safe and healthy when preparing food, as we are making our own fruit kebabs next week!