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- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
Welcome back to Term 2. Year 6 have had a fantastic first week. Throughout the week, Year 6 have been learning all about modern free verse poetry in preparation to write their own poetry piece focused on Remembrance. To compliment our Remembrance poetry, Year 6 will be leading assembly next Friday 10th November at 9am. Our assembly will be on Remembrance and we hope to see as many of you there as possible. This week saw Year 6 begin a new topic of Science; this term's topic is 'living things and their habitats'. We also had our first PE session of the term, which is now dance. The children were exploring the different shapes they can make with their body. Termly homework has now been set and fully explained to the children. If your child should, unfortunately, lose their copy of the termly homework then it can be found on our class page. In addition to the termly homework, weekly English and Maths will also be set every Friday, with the expectation of it being returned no later than the following Wednesday.
Year 6 have had another busy week. In our Math lessons we have been learning all about fractions: equivalent fractions; how to simplify fractions; and how to add or subtract fractions with different denominators. Our free verse Remembrance poems are almost finished and we can't wait to share them with you. In this week's Science lesson, we learnt who Carl Linnaeus was and all about his biggest scientific achievement: taxonomy. We used his system of classification to sort sweets into different group.Our RE lesson was focused on justice: what is justice? We spoke about how our actions have consequences before looking at the people of Honduras and how they were faced with many injustices. Our PE lesson continued with dance where we were exploring shapes and movements with our body to the beat of the music. Finally, our class assembly took place on Friday morning and it was lovely to see so many parents in attendance. We hope you enjoyed learning all about the different coloured poppies and hearing the reasons behind some own colour choices for poppies. Thank you for coming and supporting your children. This week's English and Math homework has been set with the expectation it is returned no later than Wednesday. English homework: pages 4 and 5; Math homework: pages 20 and 21.
This week, Year 6 had a busy but fun-filled week full of amazing learning. In this week's RE, the children have learnt who Oscar Romero was and how he championed justice for the people of El Salvador. This week also saw Year 6 begin a new writing unit using Gary Crew's book of The Viewer as inspiration for our diary entries; we can't wait for you to read them at the end of term. This week was also Anti-Bullying week with the campaign being 'Make A Noise'. After lots of discussion as to how we can 'make a noise' against bullying, Year 6 created some posters to be displayed around the school. On Friday, in support of Children in Need, the whole school were allowed to wear their pyjamas to school; everybody had a wonderfully comfy day and the amount of food donations received was overwhelming, thank you.
This week has been testing week and Year 6 have completed another set of SATs practice papers in preparation for their real SATs in May. Every child approached each paper with the correct attitude and gave 100% effort: well done Year 6. This week's Science lesson had the children conducting an investigation to find out the best conditions for growing mould. They will be collecting their data over a two week period and they can't wait to share their results. In English, after reading the first few pages of our new text, the class began planning their first paragraph of their diary entry. They were intrigued by the book and can't wait to read more. For this week's History lesson we were fortunate to have a Viking workshop. The virtual reality workshop immersed the children in Viking life: how they travelled, the weapons they used, and why they came to Britain. This week's English homework are pages 8 and 9; this week's Math homework are pages 10 and 11.
This week has been another busy one for Year 6. We have spent a few afternoon sessions working on our Christmas Fayre merchandise: Christmas tree pine cones; chocolate filled baubles; and miniature woolly hats and gonks; we hope you all love them.
In English, we have continued to plan and draft paragraphs for our diary entry based on the book 'The Viewer'. We can't wait for you to read them once they're finished.
In Math lessons, we've continued our unit on fractions but this week we've learnt how to convert between a mixed number fraction and an improper fraction and how to add them.
This week's R.E. lesson was centred around the Annunciation and Advent. We learnt the importance and significance of the Advent wreath and when each candle is lit and why there are different coloured candles.
Homework this week: English - pages 10 and 11; Math - page 6.
Week 6
This week Year 6 have been busy practising carols for our upcoming carol service. This will be held at Tesco next Tuesday 12th December at 10am: we hope to see as many of you there as possible.
Computing this week had the children continuing their learning on blogs. The children were using the Purple Mash program to create a blog and were taught that a Blog enables them to publish their thoughts to the world. During next week's lesson the children will publish their Blogs to each other.
In English, the children are now in their final stages of their diary entries based on the book 'The Viewer'. These will be finished next week and will be going on display on our Term 2 celebration board.
This week's Science lesson was the end of our mould investigation. After collecting data for two weeks the children were able to draw line graphs showing their results and check their results against their predictions.
Homework this week: English is pages 12 and 13; Math is page 7. All homework is set every Friday with the expectation it is returned no later than Wednesday of the following week.
Week 7
We've reached the end of another term and what a busy term it has been. On Tuesday, Year 6 went carol singing at Tesco and it was lovely to see so many of your there supporting the children. We would like to thank you for your support and generosity and to the kind staff at Tesco who gave the children a little treat each. We were fortunate to raise a total of £142.38, which will be put towards our residential trip in June; thank you. Thursday saw the whole school sit and eat Christmas lunch together; all the children thoroughly enjoyed their lunch. Also, on Thursday, we had a surprise visit from Father Christmas. The children loved seeing him and were lucky to receive a gift from him: I guess they're all on the 'good' list this year.
Finally, I would just like to say thank you for your continued support and we hope you have a restful Christmas break and a wonderful New Year: we look forward to welcoming you all back on the 2nd January 2024. Merry Christmas from the Year 6 team.