Latest News
- St. Edward's Denominational Inspection Report: March 2020 8th April 2020
- When I can't get to Church 24th March 2020
Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 11th February 2025
- Parent's evening 12th February 2025 at 15:30
Special Education Needs
All children are welcomed to St Edward's Catholic Primary School where they are valued and respected. We pride ourselves upon being inclusive of all abilities; caring for and valuing each child in a way that ensures they reach their own, individual potential. We ensure all children have opportunities to grow spiritually, socially, emotionally, and academically. Some children will require extra support while at school; in some cases, this will only be for a short time but in other instances, their needs will be ongoing.
Our children are able to access a team of committed and talented individuals both within and outside the school who inspire and motivate both the children and their families. We work with a range of organisations and schools who challenge and support us in building an inclusive community within our school. As a school community, there are strong links to support the raising of each child with the love and care they require to take their unique role in the wider world.
All of our class teachers are teachers of children with Special Educational Needs but are also supported by Mr. S Austin, our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator). Mr. S Austin is also a qualified teacher and is part of the Leadership Team. If you have any concerns and would like to speak to Mr. S Austin, he can be contacted on 01795 662708.
There is a statutory duty to monitor SEN by KCSP's Board of Trustees. The SEND Local Governing Committee member is Chrissie Wells
Kent Country Council
The local offer is for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) aged 0-12 years. It provides information and support services available to families in their local area. If you have a child with SEN and/or disabilities please access Kent’s Local Offer by following the link below. Here you will find details of services available in Kent, for example, arrangements for identifying and assessing children, sources of support, advice, and information.
Makaton Core Vocabulary Booklet for Staff and Parents
Speech and Language Support
At St Edward's Catholic Primary School we can provide access to the NHS Speech and Language service. In addition, we offer in-school Speech and Language Therapy advice and interventions. These are provided by a qualified external Speech and Language Therapist who will work closely with the SENCO and the Speech and Language Co-Ordinator (Mrs. D Neeves).
Below are some useful links, if you would like further information about Speech and Language Needs, or ideas for supporting at home.
Child or Young Person Mental Health Service (CYPMHS)
Kent CYPMHS provides emotional wellbeing and mental health advice and support for young people and their families across Kent. Children, young people and families are able to access this service via a single point of access using a single phone number. Parents and carers can refer their children directly, or they can ask school to help them to do this.
0300 123 4496
They are open 8-8 Mon-Frid or 8-12 Sat and Bank Holidays.
Outside these hours you will be transferred directly to Mental Health Direct.
Please use the form below to contact our SENCo at St Edward's Catholic Primary School