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Calendar Dates
- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
To start off our topic of Africa, we have been using our map skills to locate the continent of Africa using Atlases and Google Earth.
In maths, we have been using ordinal numbers. We sat back to back and instructed our partners to build a tower of coloured cubes. For example, 1st take a red cube, the 2nd cube is green, next take a 3rd blue cube, etc.
In math's we have been identifying odd and even numbers and rounding 2-digit numbers to the nearest multiple of 10.
In English we have been looking at the poem 'The Owl and the Pussycat'. We have been changing parts of the poem to make it our own and have enjoyed using exciting vocabulary to make it sound interesting.
In DT we have been designing and making African Jewellery. We designed an African necklace and used this design to make our own. We Painted pasta and used traditional beads to thread onto string and join onto our necklace.
We started our science topic 'Animals including Humans' this week and began by finding out what we already know about body parts, herbivores, carnivores and omnivores and our senses.
We had an amazing time at the National Maritime Museum in London....
In English we have begun our writing on an alternative version of 'Handas Surprise'.
We began by reading the story and creating actions to retell it. We then drew story maps to show each part of the story and used this to help us retell it.
In Art, we have been learning to weave, we created a basket for Handa's fruit.
In science we have been looking at the stages of life, and how all animals reproduce to have offspring which grow into adults.
What an exciting day we had with Darren Challis visiting St Edwards, it was inspiring to hear about his journey and how here overcome so many obstacles in his sporting career. We had great fun completing the circuits...
In English, we continue to plan and draft our alternative version of Handa's surprise.
We have been looking at what animals and humans need to survive in science.
In Geography we have been looking at animals that are native to Africa.
We moved on from weaving to sewing using a running stitch. This took time and concentration but we persevered to produce some careful running stitches.
This week we finished our Big write on our alternative version of Handa's Surprise. Just look at our amazing writing...
In maths, we have been working on understanding addition and subtraction word problems.