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- Swimming - Year 5 28th January 2025
- Swimming - Year 5 4th February 2025
We can count sounds as well as objects! Click on the link to watch the video.
Welcome to Year 1! We got off to a flying start in our Maths using different objects and nature items to help us with our counting. In English we have already been writing about a stinky wolf called Whiffy Wilson as we learn about character description.
Our Science lesson was an introduction to seasons and the weather. We thought about what we already know and looked for signs of Summer outside.
In Geography we will be travelling around the world to learn about the continents, we looked at the globe and where we live.
On Friday we learned about Sikhism in RE. We got ready to visit a gurdwara by washing our hands, taking our shoes off and covering our hair. We also drew and built gurdwaras.
Our Music lesson in the afternoon had us exploring instruments. We went outside and crept through the jungle making quiet sounds and made fast, loud sounds when we saw a tiger or snake!
In week 2 we have continued to learn about place value in Maths and have learned how to find one more using counters and ten frames. In English we have begun to write our own character descriptions of Whiffy Wilson.
This week we continued to make the most of the good weather and took our learning outside in the Year 1 area and to other parts of the school.
We have continued to make the most of the good weather and took our learning outside in the Year 1 area and to other parts of the school. In Geography we looked at the school building then came inside and learned about maps - we saw our school from a bird's eye view!
In RE this week we learned about the Wonders of Creation. We made a 'beautiful box' and went outside to collect beautiful things to put inside.
This week has been a very creative week! We made rockets in Maths and blasted them into Space when we learned how to count back from ten to zero. In English we wrote character descriptions for Whiffy Wilson as a hot task all by ourselves! We were really good at talking the character description using our boxed up model.
We got to know more about the place we live in Geography by locating Sheerness on a map of the Isle of Sheppey. We continued to fill our 'beautiful box' with some of God's beautiful creations and practiced our liturgical dance in readiness for the whole school Harvest Festival.
In Art we painted with natural materials and had lots of fun!
Take a look at some of our videos of learning by clicking on the links below.
On Friday we celebrated Harvest Festival and came together to worship. In Year 1 we prepared a box for our food donations and thought about how we can put the needs of people first by giving them food. Our two school councillors offered our donations during the service and our two worship leaders helped to lead the whole school and adults in prayer. We then performed our liturgical dance to the congregation.
Please click on the liturgical dance link above to watch our rehearsal or visit the RE subject page to find out more about the service.
We have been working hard in Maths this week to compare objects and numbers using less than, greater than and equal to. We have learned new vocabulary and linked this to some words we already know. We used < > and = signs to show our working out.
In English we are helping Whiffy Wilson get ready for school; we have been planning our ideas for instructions by boxing them up as pictures.
In RE we learnt about Creation. Did you know on day 6 God created animals and people?
We made storyboards and mini books.
We are continuing to use our detective skills in Science as we observe and measure seasonal change; this week we measured the wind.
This week on Wednesday we had a 'Rocketman' Science assembly which the whole school took part in. We were inspired to get creative and think about different kinds of art. We then watched Year 6 launch the rockets they had made on the playground.
We have been working hard in Maths to find parts of numbers and whole numbers. We have practiced practically, pictorially and have begun to write addition in our books.
In RE we learned the story of Adam and Eve; we thought about wrong choices we have made and how we can fix them by saying sorry to God, asking for God's help and making goof choices. We painted pictures for people to show them we were sorry.
We have also been learning about Jesus in RHE. He wants the little children to come to Him. We spent time thinking about the Kingdom of Heaven and drew pictures of us spending time with God.
We have bee practicing our song 'God Made Me, God Made You.' Click on the link below to watch some of us singing this song.
Friday 13th October - Feast Day of St Edward
This week we have been celebrating Black History Month and have learned about some famous black people. We learned about St Simon of Cyrene and how he showed solidarity with Jesus by carrying the cross for him. We painted in the style of the African-American artist Alma Thomas to create landscape paintings. We welcomed some African dancers into the school on Friday and we learned an African dance. Click on the link below to watch us practice.
We also celebrated the feast day of St Edward on Friday 13th October. We made the St Edward's cross, painted parts of the Bayeux Tapestry and learned that St Edward was a king of England and is buried in London in Westminster Abbey.
We welcomed parents in to school in the afternoon to join our celebration by bringing in food to share the school's diversity.
Thank you to all the parents who helped us celebrate and watched us perform our African dance - thank you for joining in with us too!
Wow! We have made it to the end of a very busy and exciting Term 1. So much learning has taken place with exciting visitors and opportunities for our grown ups to come and share our learning experiences. This week was no exception as we learned about famous black people who have made the world a better place as we continued to celebrate Black History Month. We learned about St Simon of Cyrene and how he showed solidarity with Jesus when Jesus needed help. We learned that Rosa Parks said no when she was told to give up her seat on a bus for a white person. She taught us that we should respect everyone.
We have written our hot tasks in English for Whiffy Wilson instructing him on how to get ready for school - we worked really hard on these and our writing is amazing! In Maths we have continued to learn about addition and have been learning and securing our number bond knowledge for numbers to 10. We have been learning to use Maths vocabulary to explain our thinking.
In Guided Reading we have developed our partner reading; we teach our partners how to read to help us become better, more confident readers.
Below are just a few photos from this week's learning. Please remember to read the newsletter and check social media for more updates.
On the last day of term we welcomed parents in to share our learning; thank you to all those who came. We are sure you will agree that the Year 1 children have settled in very well and have been working very hard.
Thank you for supporting us this term in Year 1.