Week 6 - This week, we have finished our topic in maths on multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. Some of us have also finished our topic on halves and quarters. In English, we completed our contrasting story and did a guided reading session to complete our terms book 'The Tunnel'. In Science, we was looking at colour magic and predicted what would happen to skittles in different liquids. In Art, we wrapped our DT topic by creating Textile Totem Poles. We absolutely loved this and working together in teams! We also had Internet Safety Day on Tuesday and was discussing the different ways to keep safe when using the internet, and how some people are not always as they seem. We completed our first term of swimming too and we have all been progressing exceptionally well. To finish off this term, we celebrated with a non-uniform day because we won Busters and got to have a film afternoon with lots of treats.
Week 5 - This week in Maths, we have been learning about where numbers go on a number line up to 1000. We looked at how long 1000cm is to get an idea of how tiny 1's are when it comes to place value of numbers and placing them on such a HUGE number line. In English, we have started to write our own contrasting stories remembering to use fronted adverbials and direct speech. This week, we celebrated NSPCC Number Day. We have had a brilliant, practical day. We started off with saving BUDDY and working in teams to answers to maths questions in order to collect the pieces of the key and rescue him. We then played 'The Million Pound Drop'' (but we had to use counters and was working out the answers to addition, money, division and shape questions. We then went on a measurement scavenger hunt outside and had to find object such as a blade of grass the same size as Miss Morris' thumb, the smallest stone, the lightest object and estimating 1 minute! In the afternoon, we created Bubble Geometry and created 3D shapes out of pipe cleaners. We have had a fantastic day!
Week 4 - This week, in English we have been looking at contrasting stories and how we can make 'The Tunnel' our own. Some of our ideas were imaginative, such as 'The Toilet', 'The Hole', 'The Fridge'. So we can't wait to start writing these next week. In Maths, we have been using mental strategies to work out the 4 and 8 times tables. We used our doubling knowledge that we learnt in term 2 to help us. In RE, we was discussing God's Love and how he always loves people even if they're sinners, like Zaccheaus. We know that he will love us no matter what and so we made poster to people who something may struggle to love God so need help to guide them to the right path. In Science, we was learning out how we keep clean and did an experiment with pepper to see how important it is to wash our hands. In Art, we started learning how to sew. We learnt the running stitch and cross stitch. This was quite tricky but we all did amazing!
Week 3- In English, we finished off our playscripts of the tunnel. In Maths, we finished off our topic of counting on and back with 3 digit numbers using number lines. In Art, we did weaving and looms.
Week 2- In Maths, we were continuing to look at mental strategies using subtraction and addition. In English, we were looking at how to write playscripts. In Science, we had to find the best way to make a boat out of materials to see who could hold the most lego. The winners held 64 pieces! We also had a fire talk and someone from the fire service came in to talk about how to stay safe.
Week 1 - This week, we have been introduced to our new book 'The Tunnel' in English and using adjectives and adverbs to describe our characters. In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting using number lines. In Science, this term, we will be working scientifically and learning about ways to record data like scientists. We started off with thinking of a way to protect an egg from breaking 'Saving Eggward'. Some of us were successful, whilst some were not... In music, we have started to learn about body percussion. In computing, we have started our topic of Online Safety in preparation of Internet Safety day later in the term.
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