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St Edward's Catholic Primary School

Term 6

On the day of the summer fayre, we had a visit from bouncy castles!

Sports day

Sports day!


This term we took part in sports day. We learnt what it meant to have healthy competition and to have good sportsmanship. All the activities on the day were filled with fun sports where our teams were split into 4 equal groups: red, yellow, green and blue. We all received stickers and medals for our participation. 


Trip to Canterbury Cathedral


Our trip to Canterbury Cathedral was a very informative one. We learnt all about how the church of England split from the Catholic church in Rome. We learnt about key people in Canterbury history like Henry II and Thomas Becket. We made stained glass windows in arts and crafts and really enjoyed our time in the Cathedral and the surrounding gardens.



Welcome back for our final term in year 3! This has been an exciting term filled with learning, and this last one will be busy! 


We started our term by introducing our new class book for the term: Leon and the Place Between by Angela McAllister. Here you can see the front cover, filled with colours and unique characters: Our class book for term 6

We have enjoyed reading this so far and using our inference skills to answer reading comprehension questions. This helps us to understand the text beyond the words, and add a deeper meaning to it.


In maths, we have started a new unit of time! This has been a tricky unit so far but we are excited to continue learning and overcome the challenges. We have learnt how to tell time to the hour, the the five minutes, and even to the minute! We can now read the anologue and digital clock. It is easier for us to recognise when it is lunchtime now!


In Art we have started a unit on sculpture. We are learning about the artist Auguste Rodin. In the first week we created mini sculptures using aluminium foil... the kind we use in the kitchen! This was fun and informative, as we were able to learn more about the artist of the term : Rodin. His works are unique, just like the ones we will be sculpting this term. 


We had a whole science afternoon all about colour. We used milk, food colouring, paper bowls, and washing up liquid to complete our science experiment on colour. We took lots of pictures on how the colours suddenly blend together, and even had a celebration at the end of the day.


Clay sculptures - Inspired by Auguste Rodin

Science colour afternoon - June 2024

Please see this attachment to view our topic leaflet for term 6

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Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edward's Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
