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St Edward's Catholic Primary School

Term 5

Week 5


This week we have started our new Math topic, money! Below are some images of year 3 using fake money to support them with their counting of money. We spent the whole first lesson learning what each coin and note looks like, and adding coins together. We were able to have a practical session to support us before moving on to independent learning next time.



In Science, we have been learning about forces and magnets. We have learnt that the Earth is like a magnet, and even made a compass out of water, card, paper clips and magnets. The magnetic side always faces north!


In RE, we have been learning about Easter and Pentecost and its significance to Christians. This week we are visiting the church for the Pentecost mass, and we are excited to continue our learning following this next week. 


We are excited to be getting ready to start planning our Newspaper articles about Neil Armstrong and how he landed on the moon. We will be sharing this learning with parents and carers during next weeks open classroom on Friday 24th May at 2pm. We hope to see you all there to celebrate our achievements with us.

Please see our Makaton brochure here.

The Hail Mary in makaton!


Year 3 have been learning the prayer Hail Mary and the makaton signs to go with it. We hope year 3 will continue practicing this at home!

Science in week 3 


This term we are focusing are science on forces and magnet. During a learning activity carousel we explored how force is seen in plastic tubes, newton meters, play dough, and magnets. We all had a go at each of the activities and moved round clockwise when it was time to swap. We then wrote lots of information in our books about how forces are seen in each of these. The key words we all used in our writing were: push, pull, attract, repel, force, magnetic.

Science in Week 3

Welcome back to year 3 in term 5!


We have started our term with some reading of our class book, Arthur and the Golden Rope. This is an adventure story about a brave boy who embarks on an adventure to save his town, situated in the Norse world, from being frozen over! We have been looking at the text and retrieving information from it in response to some engaging questions to better understand the book and its characters. We have also been using this book as inspiration to write our own adventure story. We are currently in the process of writing them now, and we are excited to write them up neat on themed, bordered paper.


In maths, we have been learning about mass and capacity. Below are some images of us using weights to compare mass of weights. We found out that if the object is heavier, then that side of the weight will drop. We also found out specific measurements with the units of measure grams and kilograms. 1000g = 1kg. We can now use this knowledge in the real word, for example if we want to measure our weight. Or, we may want to measure the weight of our suitcase when we go on relaxing holidays!


In music, we have been exploring minimalism. We discovered what minimalism means in music, and listened to this style of music, all while listening and appraising. We were able to discuss interlocking and interweaving patterns, as well as repetition as a key feature in minimalism in music.


In Geography, we have been comparing the Isle of Sheppey with California. We learnt that Sheppey has a famous bridge called the Kingsferry Bridge, and this lifts when boats cross the waterway. California has a famous bridge too, and this is called the Golden Gate Bridge.


We have also started swimming. We completed an assessment to see how much independent swimming we can do, and being able to swim in the pool was a lot of fun! We are excited to do more swimming next term.

Using scales to compare mass

Measuring Force with a Newton Meter

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